Training camp in one word: Freedom.
There’s has been so much to unpack literally and spiritually. God did a lot in my heart and in my squad this week. These past few days being home has been a time of rest and reflection! I’m sure there are still some things to share and process, but here are some big take away’s from this week:
-“Ministry is life. Life is ministry.”
-Jesus is FUN! What?! Yes… He created dancing and delights in us enjoying this life with Him and others. There’s so much joy in the Lord when we are walking by His Spirit!
-My identity is truly in Jesus alone. I don’t have to perform or try to earn His love. “His love is not based on me, It’s simply placed on me.
-The Heart of the Father is so gentle. He is never condemning and always good. He’s showed me at a deep level how I have projected hurt and pain from people in my life onto Him. I believe I was healed from that this week!
-God is so intentional in placing people in your life exactly when you need it. I am so super stoked to be doing life with my squad and leaders. I love each and every one of them!!!
-You can celebrate other peoples strengths out of love for them, instead of comparing your self to them. There’s beauty in celebrating others strengths and getting a glimpse of what the Body of Christ looks like.
-I have a very specific role on our team and am very needed. I was believing the lie that since I was a not as loud or outgoing and didn’t have gifts that others have, that I was not as needed. Boy was I wrong and thank you Jesus for freeing me from those thoughts!
-Do the things that are out of your comfort zone!!! Dancing in front of others made me very self conscious, but after this week I actually enjoy it! Why?? Because people challenged me and I stepped out of my comfort zone. I don’t want to live a comfortable life. I want to live a free life!
-Following the leading of the Holy Spirit is simple. “Lord, who’s on your heart today? What would you have me to do?“ You don’t necessarily wait to go until you hear who, but as you go, the Holy Spirit will show you. “That’s who. Go tell them that I love them and see them.”
-When we are all united for the same purpose, to see Jesus be glorified, there is unity in the Spirit. This was SO evident within our squad!
-I don’t need as much coffee as I think ?? And eating crickets were not that terrible!
-I actually enjoyed camping! There’s so much freedom in losing the “comforts” of the world and going a couple days without makeup or showering! Hahah
This week was challenging, emotionally, spiritually and physically, but I feel very seen and cared for by the Lord. He is gentle is drawing things out of us and leading us into His truth. He welcomes big questions! This week, I grew in intimacy with Him and with my squad! I am even more excited and expectant for this next year of life in ministry. When you give God your “yes” there’s no limit to what He can do in and through you!!!!
Crickets? I bet they’re crunchy ??. Happy to hear about your experiences this week. What’s next!?
Yes! All the freedom!
Love hearing your take aways from training camp
Aww thanks Kayla! That was not even all of it ????
They were crunchy! But surprisingly didn’t taste like anything. Launch is next! I leave August 6th for another 5 day training before we leave for Costa Rica! Yay!!!!
I love that you gained some freedom and confidence during training camp! It truly was an amazing experience and so many gold nuggets from the teachers!